Tuesday, March 13, 2018

What WASM members did the week of March 12th, 2018


Wow! The parade was so much fun! We all got to the corner of St. Urbain and De Maisonneuve by 12:30pm. We were all bundled up, we didn't feel the cold, and we grooved to the music that was blaring next to us. We started to walk by 1:25pm and we got to the end by 2:40pm. The time went by soooo fast! Then some of us went for a hot lunch. Great day! Thanks to our wonderful participants: Mary Lennon, Vera Burt, Annette Wolfstein-Joseph, Pamela Tait, Sergio Esquivel, Cathy Keays, Clare Keays, Miguel da Costa Frias, and Veronica de la Colina. Elaine Bacal and her friend Philip came by for a photo shoot before we started walking. We gave out about 1200 WASM flyers. Way to go WASM! 
Cathy Keays went to see the marionettes of Theatre Sans Fil on exhibit at the gallery in Place des Arts, March 21, 2018. The exhibit is on until March 25th, so if you are in the area, go have a look. They are magnificent. 
Elaine Bacal went previously to take some photos of the marionettes. Samplings of the photos she took of the marionettes appear in the collages. The third collage is a collection of photos from L'Art Souterrain happening in Complexe Guy Favreau.

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